Tuesday, June 3, 2008


sorry for delay in posting and updating.. haha! currently trying to understand that after this hols, i have exams and tons of projects to hand up.. sian..

so anyway, first day of june, woke uo early in the morning to go to temple for a birthday celebration for all the june babies.. haha! kinda neat celebration actually.. the shifu talked, eh abt life, and it was enjoyable. then they had a performance by a band.. whoa.. they were good! haha! the pianist was very good looking.. haha! ok being a girl here.. :P anyway after their performance, we went to the tooth relic area.. u know the tooth relic temple at chinatown that one.. ya.. haha! so we went to the pagoda and whoa.. it was so nice! gold and all that.. we were the first public batch to enter the place.. very honoured :P so anyway after that went shopping at OG.. horrible horrible.. haha! didn't buy anything.. then went to starbucks at PS.. eh first time having starbucks and it was so bitter.. i put cinnamon into the drink.. lol! stupid me.. haha! then eh went to walk around PS with mum and grandma, mum had a headache and both of them went home. i walked around PS alone.. eh saw jolene from SP! haha! she was working at make-a-bear workshop... neat job! haha! then eh went to pet lovers centre... saw all the cute hamsters.. then eh.. took 16 down to indoor stadium..

a lot of ppl were there.. i found out that jessie, zhiyi, jolene and syaza went for the concert too but they were standing.. haha! POWER! i went with haniel and whoa.. the whole thing was AWESOME! :D:D we were practically standing for most of the songs! and the ppl behind us had to stand too.. haha! we made them enjoy too alright?! haha! when u stand, u have more room to move to the songs.. haha! shall post the pictures up later.. haha! the click five rocks! haha! anyway no need my pictures well this is a review by this girl from youth.sg http://www.youth.sg/content/view/5084/54/ go read and look at the pictures... haha! the concert was really good!

so after concert, haniel and i walked to old airport road foodcentre and ate supper my dad was waiting for me there and eh whoa..the whole way there, haniel was super high... he started singing the click five songs.. LOL! i sang along but not as good as him.. haha! i try to be humble haniel.. :P:P haha1 jkjkjk! anyway, haniel treated supper and hm sweet hm... reached home and started playing click five songs.. haha! great performance! :D their new songs were good too! summertime is on my playlist now.. :P i hope miley cyrus or mika or high school musical come and perform in singapore.. haha! haniel must treat me to their concerts when they come i don care.. haha! but high school musical on ice nope.. haha! the singers come down then yes.. hahA!

overall, had a great time with bfftf! i think i went kinda crazy during concert.. singing screaming, rocking to the music.. but it was fun! haha! i think the ppl arnd us thought we were high on drugs or smth.. LOL! we were that high seriously.. haha! love ya bfftf! arrange with teng for me? :D tmrw camp le.. haha.. psps..



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